Reintegration is not always simple, especially after a long absence. You may have some doubts and concerns about the returning to the workforce, such as:
Reintegration for internationals
Have you been unwell or did you sustain an injury that has kept you out of work for a while? Our reintegration programs prepare you to re-enter the labor market. At Dijk & Van Emmerik, we help you to return to your current employer (1st track program) or to find a new workplace (2nd track program). Our experts provide individualized advice and have years of experience. Everything is aimed at getting you back to work successfully.
What we can help you with
- “What happens if I don’t fullly recover? What does that mean for my work and income?”
- “It’s been such a long time since I left. Will I still be able to keep up? Are my coworkers still holding out for me?
- “I can’t go back to my former profession or industry, but I never learned anything else. What can I do now?”
- “Will I ever be able to find work again? And if not, what are my prospects?”
At Dijk & Van Emmerik, we assist you in gradually returning to work, even if you have been absent for an extended period of time.
What clients are saying
How does re-integration work?
Reintegration in the Netherlands has two phases. If you have been reintegrating for some time, the terms track 1 and track 2 are probably familiar to you; we briefly explain these phases below.

First-track reintegration
When you return to work after long-term absence, the first goal is always to have you return to your current position with your current employer. If this is not possible, the HR department and/or your supervisor will look for another suitable position within your own organization. We call this reintegration on the first track.
Both you and your employer have a responsibility in the success of the reintegration. Together you draw up an action plan to make the reintegration as smooth as possible. Should you be unable to resolve this with your employer due to miscommunication, for example because of misunderstandings, different expectations or changes during your absence, the specialists at Dijk & Van Emmerik can support and assist you.

Second-track reintegration
In some cases it is not possible to return to a position with your current employer. For example, when there is no suitable position available or when the relationship is so disrupted that returning to the organization is no longer possible. You thus enter the second-track reintegration process. Together, we set out to find a suitable job for you with another employer.
This is not always easy: after all, you start from a position of being unwell and this can feel like an extra burden in your search for a new job. At Dijk & Van Emmerik, we are happy to help you with this.
What does a reintegration program for employees look like?
When you and your employer decide to work with us we can provide you with a number of tools. After an introductory meeting, we create a realistic proposal that outlines the actions that will be helpful and essential for you. We create a counseling plan that includes one or more of the elements listed below.
Processing grief
It significantly impacts your life when you become unwell and are unable to work. Your life suddenly looks very different. For some people, the process of coming to terms with this loss can be compared to a grieving process. We guide you through this.
Working on self-esteem
Losing a job can put a big dent in your self-confidence. This makes finding a new job more difficult. It is therefore important to regain confidence in yourself first. We offer you the tools to become more self-confident, so that you can look for a new job with fresh courage or perhaps even make a new start as an entrepreneur.
Career coaching & vocational test
Being forced to look for alternative employment isn’t just tedious. It is also an opportunity to discover what you really like. With career coaching (loopbaancoaching) and a vocational choice test (beroepskeuzetest), we will find out whether the type of job you previously held (still) suits you. See reintegration as a unique opportunity to do something completely different. Something that, in other circumstances, you might not dare to do.
Work experience position or internship
When you start looking for a different line of work, it’s a excellent time to find out which job is a good fit for you. The best way to find out is to try new things. Our extensive network of employers enables us to find internships and work experience opportunities for you, so you can experience whether or not a a specific position or employer is a good fit for you.
During an assessment we identfy your talents and skills. An assessment is a reliable way to gain insight into your knowledge and competencies. During an assessment we employ a variety of measurement tools. Together we will find the right role role at a suitable organization based on the results.
Brushing up on job application skills
The job market is changing rapidly and so are the ways of applying for jobs. If you are an employee who has worked for the same employer for an extended period of time and have not applied for a jobs in a while, it can be very helpful to refresh your interview skills with application coaching (sollicitatiebegeleiding). We teach you how to set yourself apart from the rest, in your own personal way.
Is a reintegration program mandatory for me as an employee?
Yes, under the Eligibility for Permanent Incapacity Benefit (Restrictions) Act it is required of both you and your employer to try to reintegrate you into the organization. Below are the steps that need to be followed. In Dutch this act is called Wet verbetering poortwachter.
Following the law: duties in the reintegration process
In addition to the steps you take during your programme at Dijk & Van Emmerik, there are steps from the Eligibility for Permanent Incapacity Benefit (Restrictions) Act that you go through in a reintegration process. Below you will find the most important ones.
1. The problem analysis by the company doctor
Within six weeks of reporting sick, the company doctor conducts a problem analysis. It states why you can no longer work. In this analysis, the company doctor also also outlines the potential for reintegration.
2. Formulating an action plan
Within eight weeks after reporting sick, you and your employer must draw up an action plan. It contains the agreements you have made together. During the reintegration process, you are required discuss this action plan at least once every six weeks.
3. Reporting sick to the UWV
42 weeks after reporting sick, your employer is required to report you sick to the UWV. Your employer will receive instructions from the UWV regarding what has to be done during the second year of illness.
4. Applying for a WIA benefit
Employees who are not totally healed by the end of the second year are required to apply for a WIA with the UWV. You are only entitled to WIA benefit if both parties (i.e. both you and your employer) have made sufficient efforts to enable reintegration. If this is not the case with your employer, this may result in your wages being paid for longer.
Who pays for the reintegration programme?
A reintegration programme is paid for by your employer, or if you have been out of employment for a while now and are following a UWV To Work, Make Work Fit or modular programme, by the UWV.
Moving forward in a positive way
Speaking to a specialist
Are you interested in our re-integration programmes? Don’t hesitate to contact us for advice on the best course of action for you.